–adjective1.situated, placed, or lying face to face with something else oreach other, or in corresponding positions with relation to anintervening line, space, or thing: opposite ends of a room. 2.contrary or radically different in some respect common toboth, as in nature, qualities, direction, result, orsignificance; opposed: opposite sides in a controversy;opposite directions. 3.being the other of two related or corresponding things:friendly with many members of the opposite sex. 4.Botany .a.situated on diametrically opposed sides of an axis, asleaves when there are two on one node. b.having one organ vertically above another;superimposed.
–noun6.a person or thing that is opposite or contrary.
–preposition9.across from; facing: The guest of honor SAT opposite me atthe banquet. 10.in a role parallel or complementary to: He has playedopposite many leading ladies.
–adverb12.on the opposite side: I was at one end and she sat opposite.
13.to the opposite side; in the opposite direction: I went to theleft balcony, and he went opposite.
Origin: 1350–1400; Middle English < Middle French < Latin oppositus, past participle of oppōnere to set against. See oppose, -ite2 —Related formsop·po·site·ly, adverb
op·po·site·ness, noun
sub·op·po·site, adjective
sub·op·po·site·ly, adverb
sub·op·po·site·ness, noun
1. facing. 2. incompatible, irreconcilable, unlike, differing.Opposite, contrary, reverse imply that two things differ from eachother in such a way as to indicate a definite kind of relationship.Opposite suggests symmetrical antithesis in position, action, orcharacter: opposite ends of a pole, sides of a road, views. Contrary sometimes adds to opposite the idea of conflict or antagonism:contrary statements, beliefs. Reverse suggests something thatfaces or moves in the opposite direction: the reverse side of acoin; a reverse gear.
2. same, like.
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